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CHAPTER: Choctawhatchee Audubon Society 


Welcome to our Chapter Page, featuring our Mission, Strategy, and Board Members. Our hope is that you will find our words and our images fit our mission, our goals, and - perhaps most importantly - our passion. We are small but growing group whose members want to make a difference in our local community with maybe some contribution to a global awareness of conservation. It is a big job but worthy of at least a little of our time. Fortunately we are not in it alone.

The Choctawhatchee Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society and is a Non-Profit, Volunteer Organization serving Okaloosa and Walton Counties (since 1976).

Join the National Audubon Society and your membership to Choctawhatchee Audubon is free when you designate Choctawhatchee as your Chapter when you join!

Our MISSION: Choctawhatchee Audubon Society seeks to promote the conservation and wise use of all natural resources with particular focus on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the Earth’s biological diversity.

Core STRATEGY: Focus on conservation of birds, other wildlife and habitats. Engage people in conservation work. Build a decentralized organization and grass roots network. We live in a unique area that contains the highest biodiversity of flora and fauna and is home to more species of plants and animals than any other comparable region in the entire country. Wild birds, which are our primary focus, include many that may not live here permanently but visit our area to rest, possibly nest and raise their young. One of our goals is to make sure that migratory birds can continue to come and have an environment still suited for the purpose of their visit and to educate our transient human population why that is important. Because of our military presence and our tourism, our area has an ever changing population, and, so, education and our awareness campaign never goes away.

President: Dave Clausen
Vice-President: Gail Glasgow
Treasurer: Carol Porch
Secretary: Carol Porch
Field Trip Coordinator: Gail Glasgow
Publicity (including Facebook): Jillian Southerland Clark
Membership Chair: Clarence Mayo
Conservation Chair: Rusty Sanders
Program Chair: Dave Clausen
Christmas Bird Count: Jim Anderton
Member-at-large: Penny Murnane
Member-at-large: Margaret Benner
Education/Outreach: OPEN
Webmaster: Open

Video from Audubon Florida: Tips for Successful Wildlife Photography